- 1. A genuine greeting, no intentions
- 2. “Hey, you’re so cute, I so love talking to you every morning”
- 3. “Duuudee… wasssuuup… did you watch the ball game yesterday….?”
- 4. “Asshole! Hope you die mauled by rabid dogs!!!’
- 5. “What a putz , you’re so dumb you couldn’t tell a vulva from an anus”
- 6. “You mensch! Worship me or die”
- 7. “I am better than you, so I'll just mess with you a little”
- 8. “Urgh… not another irrelevant person that I need to make eye contact…”
- 9. “Hmm… he/she could be useful, I’ll be civil and chat a little”
- 10. “I wonder if he/she knows some juicy secret that’s happening with the boss…”
- 11. “Asshole, you don’t even deserve to be in your position, but wtf, I gotta kiss ass… so I’ll just greet you with a sarcasm laced opener”
- 12. “oh shit.. .this guy won’t stop talking…”
- 13. “I see high level ass... must kiss, must kiss... nose not brown enough”
As part of the advance dark manager technique, you have to master, Greeting 1); Greeting 2) even if he/she reeks like the toilet; Greeting 3) to be part of a gang and Greeting 9). All of this while sounding like Greeting 1)
Tough… but you’ll need it to succeed!
i've got one:
"hey..did you do something to your hair? it looks nice!"
u know it always works on you-know-who. hahahaa
kakakka... that's a "diversion"
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